Ask your MP to speak up for woods and trees 

(Credit: WTML)

Contacting your representatives is one of the best ways to stand up for woods and trees. Sharing your story and concerns with your Westminster MP and asking them to do something specific to support your campaign could help you achieve your goal. Email them today with our simple tool. 

Follow our tips for the best chance of success.

  1. Be polite and considerate. They (and their staff) are working as hard as they can. Being respectful will get better results than making demands. 
  2. Be specific. Give as much detail as you can about the tree, wood or policy you are concerned about so they have all the information they need in one place.  
  3. Be relevant and persuasive. Bring the issue to life with a story and stay focused on the message you want to get across. 
  4. Be clear about what you want them to do. 
  5. Keep it short – MPs and their staff receive lots of queries so being concise could help you get a quicker response. 
  • #
  • 1Find your MP
  • 2Your message
  • 3Thank you

Start by finding your MP